
Myths vs. Facts About Painless Delivery

April 24, 2024

Myths and false beliefs have accompanied childbirth for generations, and the idea of a painless delivery is no different. Couples have begun to embrace the painless, standard vaginal birth methods and abandon the traditional procedures as a result of growing technology and advancements in medical research. An epidural (painless delivery injection) is administered to ensure a painless, normal birth. However, due to their widespread occurrence, a great deal of false information about them is spreading

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Allergies in Children

April 19, 2024

Introduction No parent likes to see their children suffer and become low in spirits when they should be fluttering like butterflies. Any child can develop an allergy, but it is more common in those with a family history of allergies. If it is not possible for parents to monitor or control what their child eats every time, they should instead focus on monitoring their child for symptoms and avoid the causes.  In this article, we

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Menopausal Symptoms

April 16, 2024

Introduction Menopause is the medical term for the time when a female’s menstrual cycle completes, marking the end of her reproductive years. But it doesn’t happen all of a sudden; rather, menopausal symptoms extend for quite some time until they stop completely, causing a range of symptoms. It is natural and most commonly occurs due to decreasing levels of female sex hormones.  What Is Menopause? Menopause is defined as the absence of a menstrual cycle

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How to Manage Stress for Better Reproductive Health

April 12, 2024

Reproductive health is an essential component of general health that involves physical, psychological, and social aspects of sexual health and fertility. Reproductive health is very critical as it directly impacts couples’ ability to become pregnant and have healthy babies. Pregnancy represents a highly significant phase of life, and getting ready for it is particularly challenging, especially when infertility treatment is involved. Stress is very likely to harm your reproductive health as well as your general

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Jaundice in Newborn or Neonatal Jaundice

April 8, 2024

Jaundice is a common problem among babies, affecting about 60% of the full-term children and more than half of the premature ones. It is a medical condition in which newborns develop the most prominent sign, i.e., yellow colouration of the skin and eyes. Neonatal jaundice is usually harmless and transient; most of the time, it goes away without treatment, although the condition can be worrying for the parents. It is always wise to consult your

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Causes of Menstrual Irregularities

April 4, 2024

A woman’s body undergoes the menstrual cycle every 21 to 35 days. However, this cycle may not be regular for many women, resulting in menstrual abnormalities. These abnormalities can take many different forms, from missing periods to extremely heavy or protracted bleeding. For effective management and treatment, it is essential to comprehend the underlying reasons for these abnormalities. We discuss the necessary aspects of recognizing irregular periods, their causes, and when to consult with a

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National Safe Motherhood Day: Ensuring Safe Pregnancy and Childbirth

April 1, 2024

Being a mother is an adventure with many memories, milestones, and happy moments. The period comes with mixed emotions, including eagerness, fear, and exhilaration. However, with the proper planning and information, understanding prenatal care etiquette, safe delivery, and postpartum care can make you feel secure. Whether you’re an experienced parent or a first-time mom, there are always new things to discover about maintaining your health, happiness, and support system during this life-changing period. Maintaining a

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The Hormonal Imbalances in PCOD & Their Impact

March 26, 2024

Women’s health concerns are diversified. Among them, the complex health condition of Polycystic Ovary Disease, or PCOD, is the most frequently observed worldwide. There are millions of women who are suffering from PCOD, a condition caused by genetic hormonal imbalances, and it results in various symptoms that worsen physical and emotional health. Comprehensive surveys and analysis reveal that about 20% (or one-fifth) of Indian women suffer from PCOD, which are very alarming statistics. What is

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Importance of Diet and Nutrition in Enhancing Fertility

March 21, 2024

Introduction Infertility is a growing issue, which occurs as a result of several factors. A major factor impacting fertility is nutrition. In this blog, we will discuss how a good diet and nutrition can impact fertility.  Importance of Diet in Fertility Most people today consume a diet that comprises processed products and nutrient-deficient whole foods. These poor dietary habits can lead to hormonal imbalances. The abundance of empty calories, unhealthy fats, and refined carbs in

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Importance of Pediatric Intensive Care Units (PICU) in Saving Children’s life

March 18, 2024

Pediatric Intensive Care Units (PICUs) are dedicated ICUs for critically ill infants, children, and teenagers. Modern medical equipment in these specialised facilities and a committed team of doctors and nurses provide children with cutting-edge medical procedures and constant assistance during their critical medical requirements. What is a PICU? Children who are critically ill or wounded receive specialised care in a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU), a specialised section within a hospital. PICUs have highly qualified

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